Good Agents know how to market your home and will do so out of their own pocket for you. Aggressive marketing usually means they will recommend how to stage your home to make it present well, write the property description correctly, have professional-quality photographs taken, and show the house to qualified buyers.
As a consumer, you need to interview potential real estate agents before you make a decision on who you are going to hire to sell your home. Recommendations from family, friends, neighbors or coworkers are great referrals to have.
What agency do you work for, and what advantage does your agency provide you that will help sell my home?
What is your best marketing plan to sell my home?
Where do you advertise?
What kind of photography do you use?
Do you market online?
What is the term of the Listing Agreement and what happens if I want to get out of it?
How much do you charge to sell my home?
Why are you the right Agent to sell my home?

This is the most important question to ask. How the agent answers this question can help you get a sense of whether or not you can build a trusting relationship with this person. Do they take their time and make sure you understand everything or are they annoyed and anxious. It’s important to feel comfortable and secure with their knowledge and skills. A good agent knows how to listen. how to advise you, and how to ask the right questions to find out what they need to know to better serve you.
What I like the most about working with John is that he listened to what I had to say I told him my numbers I told him where I wanted to be and he never wasted a minute of my time showing me something not in my number. I got a house so fast it wasn't funny and after the purchase he was still there for me he was a godsend thank you John for everything.
Polly P - Seller - Davis
John always keeps his word and always shows up on time. Real estate is his life and we don't think he ever sleeps! We have other rental homes that we will sell in the near future. John is the only one we will trust to sell those too! If you want someone you can trust to sell your home who actually has integrity, give John a call! We are glad we did!
Sanji - Buyer - Davis

Content by John Ojo Sacramento Realtor